Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Baked Kale Chips

Baked Kale ChipsCan I just say, "I love kale chips?" They are so delicious, but I refuse to buy them at a store. They are ridiculously over-priced. I understand a lot of kale doesn't go very far once it's baked, but come on people, those chips are expensive!

Kale chips are just something I have to make at home, besides, everything's better homemade, right? I still have a problem with making at home though ... I have a hard time saving them so that others can enjoy them too. They are so light and crispy, I could eat the whole pan in a matter of moments. Some problems are good problems!

Be adventurous and season them however you'd like, chili powder, lemon peel, cracked pepper, ground mustard, oregano, dill ... whatever your flavor is, enjoy it. Just make sure you add a little salt to bring out the seasoning you choose. My favorite is just a little salt and nutritional yeast!

Remember, they shrink down a lot so you do need a lot of kale. I usually like to fill at least 2 pans worth.

Baked Kale Chips

Kale (every kind works, I love using flowering kale because it just looks pretty!)
Canola Oil Spray/Spitzer
Nutritional Yeast (or other spices as mentioned above)

Cut or rip your kale into evenly sized pieces. If there are big thick stems, cut them out. If they are not that big, you can cut them in half ... stems will take a long time to cook, so they will be soggy while the rest of the chip is crispy.

Baked Kale Chips

Lay evenly sized kale pieces across a sprayed pan. I usually make mine about 2 inches in diameter. Use your oil spritzer or spray bottle to lightly spray all of the kale. Sprinkle them all with salt and nutritional yeast.

Baked Kale Chips

Bake at 275° for about 15 minutes. Check on them every now again because once they are done, they are done! You may have to pull a few pieces out earlier that have crisped before the rest of the pan is completely done so that they don't burn. Once all pieces are crisped, Let them sit on the pan until they are completely cooled. They will crisp a little bit more sitting out. Enjoy!

Baked Kale Chips

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