Thursday, April 24, 2014

Lemony Dill Tofu

One day we were brewing a double batch (our spring Mai Bock and a Chai Bourbon Porter). I didn't want to be in the kitchen too much cooking since there was a lot of other things going on. When we double brew, people usually stop over to enjoy the festivities so I knew I wanted to have some easy appetizers spread out throughout the day. Since I was having a heavy meat-eating crowd, I thought it would be fun to throw in some tofu. Plus, the kids will munch on it because I knew they wouldn't sit down for a meal with people over ... I needed food on the go for them.

Lemony Dill Tofu was my answer. The plate was gone quickly. I think because it was good and refreshing but maybe it just went great with the beer too! The kids loved it as well. It was a happy day!

Lemony Dill Tofu

I have made it since then for the kids but I forgo the dipping sauce and they just eat up the tofu. To make more of a meal out of it, serve over some quinoa with a few asparagus spears ... yum!

(And let me quickly say, the beers ended up great too!)

Lemony Dill Tofu

1 pkg tofu
Lemony Dill Tofu
1/4 c olive oil
2 T lemon juice
1 T white wine
1 T white wine vinegar
1/2 t salt
1/4 t pepper
1 t dill
1/2 t onion powder

Dipping Sauce:
4 oz cream cheese
1/4 c sour cream
1/4 almond milk
2 T lemon juice
1 t dill
1/4 c parmesan cheese
1 1/2 T lemon zest

Press the tofu for 30 minutes to get all the liquid out. Cut into 1 1/2 squares that are 1/2 in thick. Marinade for around 2 hours.

Bake at 375 for 30 minutes. Flip and cook for 15 more. Serve with dipping sauce.

Lemony Dill Tofu

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