Friday, April 18, 2014

Wisco Dip

Beer … Cheese … Mustard … The trifecta of an amazing dip! The Badgers were going to the Final Four and Paul and I were watching at home by ourselves. I just had to make a fun dip for us to snack on! I bought some great pretzel bites at the Farmers Market earlier that day. They were smaller than a bun but they still took three or four bites to get through. I didn’t know if I wanted a mustard dip or a cheese dip so I put them together. But I still needed something to bring it together. All signs pointed to beer!

Beer Cheese Dip

Wisco DipThis dip was great because it wasn’t a heavy cheese dip but not a strong mustard dip either. We loved it. 

Wisco Dip
Makes 1 cup

1/4 c beer (I used an IPA)
3 T Dijon mustard
1 T horseradish mustard
3 1/2 oz shredded cheese
1 T worcestershire sauce
1 T green onions

Heat all ingredients, except onions, in a pot until cheese has completely melted. Garnish with green onions.

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