Saturday, June 7, 2014

Sugarless Lemonade

Sugarless LemonadeYears ago, we bought our first juicer and with it came a recipe for sugarless lemonade. We were hooked. Since then, our juicing journey has expanded and we are always trying to get more vitamins and veggies in our juices. Next time you are enjoying your lemonade, make sure it's green.

This is a great refreshing summertime drink ... it's even been known to be mixed with a little vodka!

Sugarless Lemonade

Makes 1 1/2 c

2 apples
1/2 lemon
1 c spinach or kale
1/2 c ice

Blend in your VitaMix or blender. Depending on liking, you may want to add water to thin it out.

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