Thursday, September 4, 2014

Beer Braised Mushrooms

I love braised anything! Braising gives much more flavor and moisture to a dish. One of my favorite meals at a local mexican restaurant is their mushroom tacos. I have tried to replicate them numerous times and the mushrooms never quite taste right. It finally dawned on me to braise them. I love those lightbulb moments!

I am officially hooked. I have been putting braised mushrooms on everything. I love them on bread with a little cream cheese, over quinoa or other grains, spread over a bed of fresh greens and of course ... tacos!

The beer gives them a little bitterness for a bite with pairs really well with the tamari. For more smoother flavor of mushroom, you'll want to use white wine instead of beer ... that recipe is coming soon! What can I say, I have braising on the brain!

Beer Braised Mushrooms

6 T butter, vegan or regular)
16 oz mushrooms, quartered
1 c beer
2 T tamari
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 t salt
1/4 t pepper
1 T AP flour (arrowroot or another thickening agents work well too)

*for braised tacos, ass 1/4 t cumin, 1/2 t chili powder and 1/2 t coriander

Sauté butter until it is melted. Let it boil for a few more minutes so that it starts to turn brown. Make sure it doesn't burn! Once butter has browned, add your mushrooms. Add in the tamari, garlic, salt and pepper. Cook until the mushrooms are golden brown but not completely caramelized.

Take out your mushrooms with a slotted spoon, Leaving the sauce in the pot. Whisk in the flour so that it thickens. Add in your mushrooms and mix the sauce over the mushrooms.

This can be served over bread as an appetizer or on a grain as a side dish.

Beer Braised Mushroom Appetizer

Beer Braised Mushroom Tacos

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