Friday, October 17, 2014

Stay Healthy With Honey

Stay Healthy With HoneyI live in Wisconsin and let's face it, brandy cures everything! Rub a little on sore gums, drink a bit to help a stomach ache or a cough and sore throat ... the list goes on. While this may help, most of the time it's just plain luck. While I do still like to use brandy as a cure, lemons and most of all honey are my go-to cure alls.

Honey has been used since the ancient times for medicinal uses both externally and internally. A wonderful benefit to honey, as opposed to antibiotics, is that it doesn't give you a resistance to bacteria so you don't develop 'super bugs' that many people get once they have been exposed to an antibiotic repeatedly. Honey can protect against damage caused by bacteria. It also has an inflammatory which can help reduce pain. Just like anything else, not all honey is created equal. Some honey can be 100 limes more potent than others!

Raw Honey: There is a lot of honey out there, so what's the difference? I like using raw honey. Other honeys (the little honey bear in the grocery store) are pasteurized at a very high heat which kills off a lot of it's natural enzymes and minerals that make honey the awesome home remedy that it is. However, some large brand 'raw' honey still go though a process to be able to be sold in stores so it's best to find a local brand at your health food store or find your neighborhood beekeeper to ensure it's really a raw honey.

Manuka Honey comes from New Zealand bees. I was recently introduced to this honey from one of Paul's coworkers. He and his family swear by it to help with common colds to even curing a foot rash that he had in which nothing else seemed to work. I had to do my research and see what all the fuss was about and I quickly learned that it was worth purchasing. Manuka flowers have more concentrated methylglyoxal in them than other flowers. Methylglyoxal gives manuka honey a higher antibacterial quality.There is a UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) rating on every jar. Depending on the honey type and style is the antibacterial quality. When using Manuka honey for it's healing qualities, go for the +20 is you can. There is a lot of research out there and being done so studies aren't completely clear but all signs seem to show that it is an extremely powerful honey. It has been used to help treat diabetes, eye, ear, and sinus infections, gastrointestinal issues and even cancer!  It appears to be quite the magical honey that has been used for ages for its healing properties.

*Do use honey with caution, it is a powerful natural remedy. It is said that honey should not be consumed by infants, some studies show until the age of 1 and others the age of 2.

Stay Healthy With Honey

6 Honey Helpers

1. Common Cold: Honey helps suppress a coughs. Help soothe a sore throat by gargling honey water or mix your honey with lemon to help relieve a cough.

2. Soothes Burns & Heals Wounds: Honey absorbs moisture from the air and helps get that right to your sore spot. It is also antibacterial which helps you fight off infections. Manuka honey has the most antibacterial properties so for wound care, use Manuka honey.

3. Fight Allergies: Your local honey will help sensitize you to the pollen in your area. Having a little everyday can help relieve hay fever and its symptoms.

4. Fight Fatigue: Add some honey to a warm glass of milk or chamomile tea before bed to get a few extra zzzzzz's.

5. For Your Face & Hair: Honey is a great moisturizer. Add a little to your shampoo or rub some on your face for a refreshing mask.

6. Boost Your Immune System: It's antiviral and antibacterial ... A little a day can help keep the doctor away!

It's time to get a jar of honey out of the pantry and into your first aid kit!

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