Monday, January 5, 2015

Celeriac Lasagna with Acorn Squash Marinara

I can't say enough about celery root (celeriac). I'm not a huge celery fan, but I love the root! It's kind of like a cross between a potato and celery. It's one of the ugliest vegetables out there but once you cut and peel back that scraggly outer root, you have a scrumptious ingredient.

Celery Root

With my CSA baskets this year, I tried hard to step outside of my comfort zone when I got the vegetables that I only cook with two or three times a year. With celery root, I usually always grate it and make potato pancakes with it (so good with an apple sour cream). This year, I was going to fight the urge and try something else. A friend once told me to use celery root as a noodle substitute. 

I set out to make a lasagna. I had tons of vegetables in the house but the pantry was looking a little dry so I needed to make my own sauce and my own cheese too. So, I decided to go all out and make a vegan ricotta and an acorn squash marinara. The squash marinara gave a great fall flavor that complimented the celeriac perfectly!

Even though my CSA is done for the year, the Winter's Farmers' Market in my area is hopping every Saturday so I can still pick up celeriac and some great acorn squash ... fresh and local!

Acorn Squash & Celeriac Lasagna

I even made some vegan parmesan to sprinkle on the top! I am so in love with Chicotta now (Chickpea Ricotta Cheese), I use it as a dip all the time!

Acorn Squash & Celery Root Lasagna

Celeriac Lasagna with Acorn Squash Marinara

Serves 4

1 1/2 lb celeriac
1 1/2 c veggie broth
1 c packed arugula, julienned

Cut the ends off of your celeriac. Then, peel the hairy outer edge. It will look like a peeled potato when you are done.

Sliced Celery Root

Slice the celeriac into thin slices. Put in a pot of boiling vegetable broth for about 5 minutes or until they have tenderized a bit. They should still be firm. Set aside. Next, make the squash marinara and ricotta mixture.

Sliced Celery Root

Acorn Squash Marinara

1 acorn squash
1 lg tomato, diced (the juicier the better)
1/2 onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced.
2 T olive oil
1 T balsamic vinegar
1/2 t salt
1/4 t pepper

Cut acorn squash in half and remove the seeds. Make slices in the squash with a knife and lay face down in a pan filled with 1/2 in of water. Roast them at 375º for 40-45 minutes or until soft.

In a pot, sauté onion and garlic in olive oil. After about 5 minutes, it will become translucent. Add in your tomatoes, acorn squash, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. Mix with your hand mixer or blender until smooth.

Bean & Pesto "Ricotta" Mixture

1-15 oz can chickpeas or white beans, drained and rinsed
1-15 oz can artichokes, drained and rinsed
2 oz sage pesto (can use basil pesto or any other vegan pesto)
2 T olive oil
1 garlic clove
1/3 c nutritional yeast
1 T lemon juice
1/2 t salt

Put all ingredients in your food processor or blender and mix until smooth.

Now that everything is done, it's time to put together your lasagna! I use a deep 9x7 pan. Let the layers begin.

1/3 of squash marinara
layer of celeriac
1/2 of bean ricotta
1/3 of squash marinara
layer of celeriac
remaining of bean ricotta
remaining squash marinara

Acorn Squash & Celery Root Lasagna

Acorn Squash & Celery Root Lasagna

Acorn Squash & Celery Root Lasagna

Once you're all done layering. Bake at 375º for 20-25 minutes. Slice and enjoy!

Acorn Squash & Celery Root Lasagna

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