Monday, January 5, 2015

Vegan Bean & Pesto Ricotta Cheese

Whenever I make a vegan ricotta I usually use cashews. I had a friend that had a nut allergy that I was making dinner for. I had all my ingredients for lasagna when I realized that I forgot the ricotta. Reaching for the cashews my heart skipped a beat realizing that I could not use them or it would be real real bad!

This is the part about cooking that I love ... "back to the drawing board"! I looked through my pantry and saw a can of white beans. After making countless white bean dips in my day, I knew those would give me the ricotta cheese consistency I need.

The ricotta was a big hit. I find myself even using it when I make a lasagna with regular cheese just because I like the flavor more!

Vegan Bean & Pesto Ricotta Cheese

Bean & Pesto Ricotta Cheese

1-15 oz can white beans, drained and rinsed
2 oz vegan pesto (I like sage pesto best but you can anyone will do)
1 T olive oil
1 T lemon juice
1/4 t salt
1/4 c water (added slowly)

Put all ingredients in your food processor or blender and mix until smooth. Add more water to get the consistency you need.

Now that everything is done, it's time to put together your lasagna! I use a deep 9" x7" pan. Let the layers begin.

Vegan Bean & Pesto Ricotta

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