After hearing about all this we had to give it a try. We weren't in bad health, but we do realize that our health can always be better and preventative action is the best action! We got on a wheatgrass kick. Both of us had a lot more energy after drinking it and we noticed other small improvements. Digestion was amazing, our skin looked great and Paul's chronic bad breath (sorry Paul) was completely gone! He smelled like roses! I am always good for at least one good winter cold and flu and we both went the whole winter without one runny nose. We were both amazed at this realization. Could it be a fluke or could the wheatgrass really be doing that much?! Then, spring came and so did my allergies ... Oh wait, no they didn't! It was all too amazing. Our health and our daily energy were at a complete high.
We were on a kick! It was a little expensive to buy shot after shot so we began buying trays of it to juice ourselves. Soon after, we cut costs even further by growing it ourselves. It does take a bit to get going ... good soil, a few trays, a cool spot and a grow light. We got almost all of our supplies from (I warn you, they have awesome stuff and you might get hooked. We have also bought their sprouting kits ... so easy and delicious!). All of this paid for itself after the first couple trays that we grew. After beginning to juice wheatgrass, we started to change our diet as well. We started looking at food combining, how different foods digest in our systems. This is what started it all.
Time went on, we encountered a move in which we didn't have much space and slowly we just stopped growing it and taking it. Our diet continually improved, but the wheatgrass just faded out.
The past year has been a strenuous one. My third pregnancy was the hardest on my body, the tole of having three kids in three years and simply life has just been busy. I try to steadily work out, but something always 'comes up'. I had numerous colds last winter. The whole family got the flu. Paul and I felt like we were just floating along. It was time to make some changes. We started growing it again and the family is feeling great!
Wheatgrass as well as studies on its healing properties have been around for ages. So why isn't it more prevalent in today's world ... This baffles me! In 1940, the American Journal of Surgery, recommends chlorophyll for its antiseptic benefits. They says that chlorophyll can help: clear up foul smelling odors, neutralize strep infections, heal wounds, hasten skin grafting, cure chronic sinusitis, overcome chronic inner-ear inflammation and infection, reduce varicose veins and heal leg ulcers, eliminate impetigo and other scabby eruptions, heal rectal sores, successfully treat inflammation of the uterine cervix, get rid of parasitic vaginal infections, reduce typhoid fever, and cure advanced pyorrhea in many cases. Again I ask, why is wheatgrass juice not more prevalent in today's world?
Why I Love Wheatgrass ...
It is one of the best sources of living chlorophyll available to man. Chlorophyll is anti-bacterial and can be used to heal both the inside and outside of your body. Science has proven that chlorophyll stops growth and development of bad bacteria. Chlorophyll neutralizes toxins in the body, helps purify the liver and improves blood sugar problems!
Dr. Ann Wigmore, as well as institutes based on her teachings have been helping people get well from chronic disorders for 30 years using wheatgrass.
It's a crazy detoxifier! According to the Hippocrates Health Institute, wheatgrass juice helps increase red blood-cell count while lowering blood pressure. It cleanses the blood, organs and gastrointestinal tract of debris.
Wheatgrass juice can help with acne, eczema and psoriasis. It has even been proven to remove scars after it has been ingested for seven to eight months along with an improved diet.
It acts as a detergent in the body. I love my natural deodorant, but when I have wheatgrass juice regularly, I hardly use it!
It is great for mouth health. Wheatgrass juice helps prevents tooth decay. Next time you have a tooth ache, try holding wheatgrass juice in your mouth for 5 minutes.
Sore throat? Gargle wheatgrass juice to help kick it fast.
Keeps the hair from graying ... here's to hoping right?
Improves digestion. It is great for constipation and keeping the bowels open. It is high in magnesium.
It is great for blood disorders of all kinds. Wheatgrass juice can help reduce high blood pressure and enhances capillaries.
Yes, it is grass, but for all those who can't handle the gluten, it's okay. Wheatgrass is gluten free. It is cut before the grain forms!
How To Take Wheatgrass:
You need to have a juicer, specific for juicing grass, or find a place that sells it. The fresher the better! We have a simple, old school hand juicer. It is cheap and it does the trick perfectly.
- On empty stomach, take 1-3 ounces of wheatgrass within 15 minutes of juicing it. Always start with one ounce and work your way up. It's best to have an hour before a meal.
- Swish it around in your mouth for 30 seconds(ish) before swallowing. This helps strengthen your gums and starts the natural digestion process by mixing with your saliva.
Many of the health benefits of wheatgrass suggest an improved diet to aid in improvement. It's the American way to want an instant cure all, but we need to realize that we need to do a little work to have great, long-lasting health. Take a look at your diet, where could there be improvements? Do you need a shot of wheatgrass every day, every week ... everyone does!? It's whatever works best for you and your situation, every little bit helps. A healthy diet, along with wheatgrass has proven to help many people with scary, chronic diseases. Let's take our health into our own hands and get healthy today ... One shot of wheatgrass at a time!
Maybe, someday ... we can get a shot of wheatgrass at our local pharmacy instead of just health food stores!
40 Benefits of Wheatgrass from
50 Reasons to Drink Wheatgrass
Wheatgrass Detox Side Effects
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