Monday, May 11, 2015

Homemade Salt Substitute Recipe

I always considered myself a salt fanatic. I used to over-salt my foods a lot just because I love that extra flavor. Then, Paul came into my life and I realized what a real salt fanatic was. He is guilty of salting his food before he even tries it. After a few years of this driving me absolutely crazy, he stopped pre-salting and I started controlling our salt intake. Some recipes I used to try using other ingredients instead of salt to bring out the natural flavors. Then, I began experimenting with salt substitutes.

Homemade Salt Substitute Recipe

Years and years have gone by since I started using this recipe. In the past few years, I have to admit, I have completely forgotten about it all together. My sister-in-law recently got married and she was doing a spice mixture as their wedding gift for their guests. My salt substitute recipe instantly came to mind and I rushed out to my local health food store to pick up some lemon rind (they sell it in bulk). The lemon rind is the big star to this recipe and in my opinion, you can't have a salt substitute without it! I love sprinkling this on raw tomatoes and lightly sauteed vegetables, but you can really get creative in using it anywhere.

It's wonderful to have a new addition to the family and celebrate a great wedding. It's also great to resurrect old recipes that were long lost deep in the recipe books! Enjoy it like we have and healthy happy eating to you!!

Homemade Salt Substitute Recipe

Makes 2/3 cup

1/4 c garlic powder
2 T oregano
2 T onion powder
2 T lemon rind (dried)

Mix all ingredients into a bowl and use as needed. Store in an airtight container.

Homemade Salt Substitute Recipe

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