Thursday, October 6, 2016

Easy Raw Donut Holes

We are packing up to go camping tomorrow. I've got a huge list of stuff to pack, stuff to make, stuff to take care of before I leave, etc., but what do I do ... procrastinate and write a quick blog post!

Every time we travel, I always make energy bites. If the kids need a quick bite in the car or just a snack when we're there these are perfect! Considering we are going to a pumpkin festival, I should be making my Pumpkin Energy Bites, but I don't have pumpkin and I am not taking another trip to the grocery store! Yesterday, at my first trip to the store, I wanted to buy some bagels.

When I got to the checkout line the checkout person told me that I needed to grab two bags in order to buy them ... well, with two kids almost in tears that they needed to go to the bathroom, one kid singing loudly and the baby just smiling like an angel, I decided to forgo the bagels and get some other bakery later. Fast forward to my second trip that day ... I simply forgot!

Now, it's cookin' time and I still want some bakery to take. I'm over the idea of making energy bites as well as some fresh baked goodies so, what do I do but marry the two! I saw a while back the idea of making raw donut holes by using oats and vanilla to give them that doughy flavor. So, as my potatoes and carrots are cooking for Vegan Nacho Cheese (another camping must have), I decided to quickly throw some ingredients in the food processor and make it happen. Simon and I have already ate three!! Now you see why I had to write this, it got me away from eating more.

Easy Raw Donut Holes

Enjoy them as we are and hopefully the rest of the family gets to enjoy them in the great outdoors! By the way, please pray for good weather!! Thanks!

Easy Raw Donut Holes

Raw Donut Holes

Makes about 15

Dough Ingredients

2 c deglet noor dates
1 c cashews
1 oats
2 T maple syrup
2 T vanilla powder
1 t hazelnut extract (or other flavor)
dash of salt

Topping Ideas

Leave Naked
Shredded Coconut
Cocoa & Cinnamon
Cinnamon & Sucanat Sugar

Mix all dough ingredients in a food processor and mix until it is like sand.

Form dough into balls. If it is not sticking, add a little coconut oil.
Roll them into your desired topping and enjoy!

Easy Raw Donut Holes

Smoky Tempeh Mushroom Burgers
Makes 8

8 oz Tempeh
1/2 medium onion
2 cloves garlic
8 oz mushrooms
1 c cooked rice
1 medium carrot, shredded
2 T liquid smoke
1 T worsteshire sauce
1 t dijon mustard
1 t salt
1/2 t pepper

Horseradish Sauce

1/2 c Veganaise
1 T horseradish (this will vary on the spice level of the horseradish you have and your likings
1/4 t pepper

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