Friday, June 6, 2014

DIY Natural Bug & Mosquito Repellent - That Works!

DIY Bug SprayMosquitos and I have never gotten along. People around me, especially my husband, never seem to be getting hit like I do ... it's so unfair. I've tried numerous different organic bug sprays and they all help, but just a little.

Last year, we had a really wet spring and then boom, hot hot hot weather. I was working at my CSA at the time and the mosquitos were relentless! A girl that used to work the CSA and now started her own herb farm had containers of lemongrass spray for sale to help with the mosquitos. After I sprayed it on and went in the fields, I swear, it felt like there was a beam around me. I could see tons of mosquitos flying around, but they didn't land on me! So, this is what it feels like to be one of those lucky people that doesn't get bit?! I felt blessed.

Well, that bottle has now come and gone so it's time I find my recipe! This past weekend, we were sitting out by the fire and they mosquitos were starting to bite. I seriously leaped from my chair with excitement so I could grab the repellent that I made and give it a test run. It worked pretty good, then I made a little adjustment to the essential oils and now it works great.

It feels so wonderful to be able to be outside not worry about what weird ingredients that you are spraying on you or your kids and still, not getting bit!

DIY Natural Bug & Mosquito Repellent

4 oz distilled water
4 oz witch hazel
1/2 t vegetable glycerin
20 drops lemongrass
15 drops citronella
10 drops eucalyptus
10 drops tea tree
5 drops rosemary
5 drops cinnamon leaf

Mix all ingredients together and spray away!

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